About Faith-Based Giving
When you give to your favorite charity or donate to a specific organization, your money goes to a specified and, in most cases, exclusive program. And each is certainly a worthy cause. The dollars that you give to Holy Nativity, in contrast, serve a wider purpose. Our spending is not exclusive. It benefits those in need, spiritual and otherwise.
Your dollars help with our church ministry: our activities, our outreach, our own support of ministries and programs that serve the larger community, our meditation center, our environmental group, our music programs, our garden – the list is long and ever expanding.
Many churches organize their stewardship campaigns by presenting a budget and then asking church members to make a pledge to meet that budget for the ministry of the church. Stewardship done in this way, when church programs are presented and people are asked to pay for them, is fundraising.
Our approach is different; we use a faith-based stewardship plan. When you make a pledge at Holy Nativity, you place your pledge card in an envelope and seal it. Your envelope remains sealed and is returned to you unopened at the end of the year. Your pledge, therefore, remains between you and God.
Our stewardship is based on the principle that God gives us exactly what we need to do the work that God has given us to do. We have faith that, through our prayerful and generous giving, God will provide the resources the church needs to share Christ’s love in the community through our worship, music and education programs, and more.
Based on this understanding of stewardship of God's resources, we will not ask what your pledge is. We ask that you fill out the pledge card, put it into the envelope provided, and seal it. When you give us the envelope, we will keep it sealed and give it back to you at the end of the year. We invite you to prayerfully consider partnering with Holy Nativity to our ministry together by making a pledge.